Monday, December 28, 2009

Gods by Technology

Now shall we reveal the manipulating force governing governmental institutions such as all our banking empires, transnational cooperation’s, business empires, military, police forces, and every other intelligent agency? The force responsible for the massive amounts of poisonous additives implemented within our nourishment, on behalf of Codex Alimentarius. The diverse conspiratorial schemes specifically aimed towards the bondage of all humans, including the microchip, electromagnetic chaos, pollution, sickness, an the diseases. Such a monolithic conspiracy goes back centuries, as it is claimed in the ancient accounts of the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians. It goes back to a group of hybrid aliens, which were produced by a group of ET. These extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids were known by various names throughout the many civilizations. For example, according to Michael Tellinger, within the Sumerian cultures they were considered as the Annunaki, and in Greece these extraterrestrials entities were considered the Annodoti. In the Celtic lore, the controlling extraterrestrials were known as the Tuatha de Danaan (Alien Races). Credo Mutwa, an African Zulu and story keeper, tells us that in Africa the extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids were considered as the Chitauri. As with each and everyone of these above mentioned cultures, as well as many others not included, the aliens were worshiped as gods because of their highly evolved knowledge, and technological developments. The alleged gods had apparently taught the ancient civilizations such as Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt some of the most amazing knowledge at one point in time. This allowed the other cultures to inherit much understanding about astrology, quantum mechanics, psychology, electrodynamics, philosophy, astrophysics, and chemistry. Moreover they were taught the basis of harnessing and manipulating energies, as practiced still today by many notorious secret societies. This is why the pyramids are all constructed on major vortices of energy which you can imagine produce an invisible geometrical global grid of intersecting lines. Were these lines intersect the most is were the greatest energies are produced, so ancients built there temples, cathedrals, and pyramids on these sights. This is why each and every ancient structure, such as the great pyramids, all geometrically line up with one another throughout the whole world, even though the various cultures were entirely unconnected civilizations. It solves some of the most complex mysteries, unless of course, you believe that these cultures had modern telephones and internet excess, and just wanted to make a lovely geometric alignment throughout the earth! The ancient cultures knew also how to disconnect matter from the laws of gravity, and this is truly how they built the pyramids. Believe it or not, but analysis has proven that the pyramid stones were created mostly of monatomic gold, an if you didn’t know monatomic gold has been discovered by multiple scientists in the secret military community to have not only antigravity properties but also an ability to literally cross dimensions. For more information about this subject Jim Mars has an excellent video entitled, Ancient Monatomic Gold, which publically exposes this mystical and exotic element on YouTube. If your minds are in overload, even before you get to see all the incredible supporting evidence than suit yourself my friends. However, for every optimistic reader, let us first look into the many ancient civilizations throughout the continents, which describe such space invading “gods” leading the global conspiracy.
There are many legends and accounts which tell mankind of extraterrestrials who hijacked human government or procreated the governmental institutions as a gift for man. The Author is reaching for the trashcan. In India’s Vedic literatures, there are multitudes of accounts that describe some amazing extraterrestrial antigravity spacecrafts considered as “Vimanas”. These same Indian Vedic accounts also describe how these aliens hijacked India’s government and began expanded there powers throughout the world. The History Channel has broadcasted an excellent documentary about this subject, and I would highly recommend readers to watch it, it is called, Ancient Aliens and UFO Files. The Assyrian and Babylonian Enuma Elish, some 1000 years older than the Bible, describes how the so called gods, aliens in truth, ruled over all of the inhabitants of Planet Earth by financing some major governmental institutions. Much of this was proven in the ancient City of Ur, the oldest uncovered city in the world, that was uncovered in 1922 to 1934 by Sir Charles Leonard Woolley of the University Museum of the Pennsylvania University. Sir Woolley and multiple archeologists from the British Museum had excavated and found records of education, politics, banking, including economics (Sumeria, The City Of Ur). The figures present to us substantial verification of humanized civilizations thousands of years before what is commonly believed by our academic textbooks. The extraterrestrial governor of The Enuma Elish was Apsu. He actually desired to abolish all of humankind, although the other extraterrestrial governor named Tiamat, The Dragon Queen, had disagreed with Apsu’s unrighteous temptations. The Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, some 26,000 years old, details the journeys of Gilgamesh in 2010BC. These accounts explain how the alleged gods procreated humankind and governed them. The Epic of Gilgamesh, also details how Ea, EN.KI, or Lucifer had forewarned Utnapishtim of the unrighteous EN.LIL, Ilu Kurgal, or Jehovah who had desired to materialize a giant flood in attempt to destroy humans. It was the much earlier Flood of Genesis that became recycled over the thousands of years; in fact, the Flood of biblical fame is the plagiarized version. Again, we have the same said theme, just as Huang Di (2,697–2,598 BC) or the “Yellow Emperor”. Huang Di was also according to some records considered as the very first Chinese emperor. The Chinese claimed that he had descended from the “gods”, and it was proclaimed that he was half-dragon, including half-human. Could this perhaps be symbolical of him being half extraterrestrial and part human? Legend proclaims that Huang Di was manipulated into his ruling position as the emperor to govern the people on behalf of the reptilian ‘gods’. Such stories could just be fantasy, but they could be referring to the greatest secret, an extraterrestrial reptilian race has been controlling Planet Earth for centuries by putting hybrids into positions of power. Hence, Huang Di was accordingly a hybrid. Just coincidences, I think not, keep reading!
Again and again, researchers perceive the same stories repeated all throughout the continent, many tell of aliens taking over the world through the usage of governments. So here’s a brief summary of what has been happening. Extraterrestrials produced hybrids to govern humankind throughout Planet Earth and much of this can be described in the Old Testament book of Genesis. Genesis 6:4 proclaims, “There were nefilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown”. Clearly, the Old Testament tells us, these people of renown were undoubtedly, half-human, and half alien. You only have to replace the word God with the word aliens, and then the entire mess of dogmatism becomes a little more logical. However, I cannot stress enough that that is not to discredit the very existence of the great source, which many refer to as God.
Now today, the same hybrid interbreeding bloodlines actually make up our British Aristocracy, European Royalty, including our Majesty. Most of the politicians and world leaders are all related to one another through this same cesspit of interbreeding. It’s like a humongous unjust mafia, which is taken over the world covertly to ensure every humans bondage. This plan is considered as, ‘The Great Work of the Ages, or New World Order.’ Their agenda consist of creating a centralized world government, a one-world currency, and a world army that underpins a microchipped population. This agenda controls all the major transnational cooperation’s, banking cooperation’s, politicians, music industries, major media’s, pharmaceutical cartels, police forces, central intelligent agencies, and the military. Fantastic, I know, but just look at all the evidence, why do you think so many business empires have been recently merging? Why do you believe that smaller banking companies have become indebted to the Royal Bank of Scotland, the largest banking company within the world, owned by the Illuminati Rothschild dynasty? This is because eventually they are planning to put all of these smaller companies out of business and procreate a world bank. Then they will move to faze two, and only electrical currency will be utilized, giving them ever more control over the ignorant and unorganized masses.
If you think that what I am purposing is all just theoretical bullshit, then let us just look at the Bilderberg Group. Ninety nine percent of most people have no idea who they are for one. The Bilderberg Group was founded by Prince Bernhard and met for the first time in 1954, as according to some researchers. This group was under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family at the elegant Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeck in the Netherlands (The True Story). When the Bilderberger’s secretly met for the first time, for just a mere weekend, they apparently debated the future of humanity. Afterwards the Bilderberg Group had decided to meet once every year with the protection of military enforcement and multiple hired police. According to Jim Tuck, their meeting places even have snipers on ruff tops. Their makeup consists of primarily of European descendant’s, princes, chancellors, ambassadors, and major media magnets.
Many researchers claim that former president Bill Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Peter Jennings, Tony Blair, and Zbigniew Brzezski are all members of the Bilderberg group. The official media attendees of these meeting are even prohibited to exclaim anything about their existence. For instance, Kristine Graham is the head member of the Washington Post newspaper company and she has attended many Bilderberg meetings, although, she has said nothing. Conrad Black, one of the inner core members of the Bilderberg group controls some 68 % of Canada’s newspapers. He also controls the Jerusalem Post, the Telegraph of Britain, including many other worldwide newspaper companies; however, he has said nothing about the Bilderberg Group in any of newspapers.
In the 1970’s the Bilderberg members attended a meeting on an Island in Sweden, they devoted themselves to increasing the expenses of oil. Eventually one of the Bilderberg members decided to visit the Arab oil lands, primarily to persuade the Arabs into increasing oil prices. This event worked because the Arabs were quit interested in the investments they would begin making; however, Bilderberg members had to produce the Israel and Arab wars for this task to be successful. The event had worked, prices for oil increased and the war began. Members of the Bilderberger’s are hybrids extraterrestrials according to my personal researching.
The interbreeding bloodline, which I am detailing, consists of some 13 families that are often considered as the Illuminati by multiple researchers. I know that this may all appear too unbelievable, because who would want to believe that some extraterrestrial interbreeding bloodline is shaping the events of human affairs? However, just consider this. Thirty-three of our forty-four presidents of the United States of America have all been genetic relatives of Charlemagne. Another thirty-five presidents of the 44 presidents are relatives of King Alfred the Great. So many of the most notorious leaders throughout history such as Constantine the Great, Herod the Great, Alexander the Great, Philip VIII, King Ferdinand, King David, King James, Cleopatra, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Isabella, and even Vlad Tepes, plus multitudes of others have all been apart of this extraterrestrial bloodline. What’s more surprising; however, is the fact that all forty-four presidents are genetically related. Now even if we do not all agree on the alien themes, then we can fore surely all agree on the conspiring family theme.
According to official historical records, this tribe of hybridization bloodlines had been seeded by aliens, they derived from the Caucasus (deteriorating) Mountains after the catastrophic upheavals of the Venus comet in approximately 4,800 BCE. Apparently, this family afterwards expanded all throughout the region dubbed as the Fertile Crescent. By producing secret societies and infiltrating ancient mystery schools of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt, the hermetic knowledge was lost to the public, while kept in secret for the initiated Dark Magicians. In fact, multiple individuals who possessed the cult knowledge faced severe persecutions and even death, hence all of the vast inquisitions. Meanwhile, ancient Mesopotamian and Assyrian records were adjusted on behalf of the Illuminati to suit the emergence of a religious movement some 2,500 years ago. This involved Hebrew cults, which then infiltrated the populations, and used the Old Testament as an instrument to condition all of the masses.
Rather than the people living happy and fulfilled lives, they all mourn, including complain judgmentally of one another’s alleged “wickedness”. Religion has imbalanced humanity and condemned spirituality, particularly by causing divisions within the human race, ultimately causing negative emotions. The devil himself, does not much care about what generates such unwholesome energies, (warfare, violence, anger, depression, stress, anxiety, fear, guilt, resentment, jealously, and insecurity) as long as something is, this imbalanced consciousness “Lucifer” becomes empowered. The more negative energy, the worst destructions will become visited upon Planet Earth. Because our energies affect the earths well being, when we have negative emotions we destroy the earth. Similarly, any good open-minded doctor or scientist will tell you that when you have negative emotions it leads to sickness and disease. Likewise, when billions of people are suffering from such emotions they will give the earth a sickness or disease. It’s great to remember that we all create our reality; therefore, when billions of people are producing hatred and animosity, the collective reality of everyone can only be miserable. If that does not sum up the present society, which we live in, then I would suggest that you take another look.
The Levites in 586 BC, composed both of the books of Genesis and Exodus. See, this is potentially one of the greatest considered origins for the emerging mind controlling religious dogmatisms. This interbreeding family’s ambition is to create and too enslave an ignorant human race by destroying all the essential wisdom and knowledge within our public circulation. By procreating false religious systems to believe within, the plans been wonderfully accomplished over the many years. They wanted everybody to forget, that by strategically applied knowledge, humans too could become like ‘gods’ by the usage of technology: through the study of astrophysics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetics, and other science – we too could reign the universe as ‘gods’ (and nobody else has foretold the world these things, that I am aware of because this is my incarnated purpose). There is a fantastic video documentary on the YouTube, which I recommend entitled, Montauk Project. The reason I recommend this video documentary is simply because it strongly opens up the mind to the potentiality of becoming like a god by utilizing technology. The speaker of the video Preston B. Nicolas is also a great researcher including author of an excellent book entitled, The Montauk Project. Some of the story is as follows.
According to author David Icke the forgotten often, Croatian Scientist, including electromagnetic genius, Nekola Tesla, credited for proclaiming that much of his laboring and information had derived from extraterrestrials was also a close contact of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Just to describe some of Tesla’s incredible wisdom, in 1931 he drove a free energy mobile vehicle through the New York City, and one of his students, Guglielmo Marconi, made a secret committee, which proclaimed to have constructed flying saucers within perhaps 1943, and to have landed on Earth’s Moon, and the Planet Mars in maybe 1953. Unfortunately, multitudes of the Marconian Scientists, including other workers in similar areas shamefully have eerie and inexplicable deaths. F. Roosevelt asked Tesla to become the director of the Philadelphia Experiment, and asked along with Tesla, Dr. John Von Neumann to become the vice director. Roosevelt’s team had placed themselves at the Princeton University, an eventually moved to the Brooklyn Naval Yard. Apparently, their objective was to create a radar invisible American ship; although, the results proved successful, the ship not only disappeared from the radar detection, but also from physical perception. It was achieved with a minesweeper by generating intensive magnetic fields (The Robots Rebellion).
During 1942, on behalf of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Tesla was once more ordered to conduct the same experiment; although, this time on a battleship consisting of living crew members. Because Nikola Tesla believed that, the crewmembers would be endangered, it seems according to some researchers, he rigged the experiment to ensure the safety of the passengers. This time the experimentation was a failure; moreover, when he had left the experiment behind all together, approximately a year later he was pronounced dead in his New York hotel apartment. In replace of Nikola Tesla, Dr. John Von Neumann took over for Tesla. On July 20th, 1943, the experiment was once more conducted on the Eldridge. The experiment had gone very well; although, the crewmembers, as Tesla suggested were endangered. Many were thrown into disarray, and others became disabled; furthermore, some even perished. This was simply because the electromagnetic field had imbalanced their electromagnetic etheric bodies which caused them physical illness and disease. John Von Neumann then asked the Chief of Naval Operations if he could have a longer time to perfect the experiment. It was insisted that the experiments were to be finished by August 12th, 1943, because secret military communities wanted to utilize the technologies in war. The Chief of Naval Operations pronounced; however, that they would accept only radar invisibility (The Robots Rebellion).
The radar invisibility was achieved at Philadelphia Harbor, but after some bluish flashes, the U.S.S Eldridge had disappeared for an estimated three hours. Here’s were the story gets complicated as according to Nicolas B. Preston, because now we are about to explore hyperspaces and the time continuums. Two of the scientists on board the U.S.S Eldridge, Edward including Duncan Cameron, the trained psychic, had witness many of the crewmembers suffering from great burdens and decided to jump overboard. However Duncan Cameron confirms that they did not land in the waters, but in the Montauk Army Base in New York where they realized that it was now 1983 and not 1943. Within other words, they teleported into the future, and it might be possible that the movie, Back to the Future, could be symbolic of some of these top-secret military projects. Both Edward and Duncan Cameron were taking to the underground Montauk facility in 1983 to talk to the future Dr. John Von Neumann. He told them that they had to transport back in time to the Eldridge in 1943 to destroy the electromagnetic generators. When they did the Eldridge reappeared, but many of the crewmembers became imbedded into the ship. Some became insane, and still others would disappear or burst into flames (The Montauk Project).
Now truly you can understand why I’m telling you the basic story, I desire all my readers to understand one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Humankind could become like ‘gods’ by utilizing advanced technologies. I know this from somewhere very deep, and I do feel this revelation with all of my heart and soul. We can become like gods by technology. We just first need the right knowledge, and then we could levitate, gravitate, manifest, including demanifest matter. We could produce anti-gravity spacecrafts to reign throughout heaven, and ultimately live forevermore as flesh and blood. I know it may all sound crazy to some people, but I just know it is truthful. When I was a child, I would play the video game, Mortal Kombat, and nearly every time I can recall reading, ‘There is no knowledge that is not power.’
The famous astrophysicist, researcher, including author, Michio Kaku details the exhilarating potentials which can be discovered within every conscious entity, especially humanity. He says that there are other extraterrestrial cultures all throughout the universe; however, he stipulates that humankind is a type zero civilization. This is because man has yet to harness planetary powers and conquer mother natures earthquakes, volcanoes, and the weather. Michio Kaku exclaims that Buck Rogers would be analogous to a type one civilization, a planetary civilization. Star Trek and the Federations of Planets, who have colonized a few star systems would correspond to a type two system, and the empire of Star Wars would correspond to a type three civilization (Dr. Michio Kaku). All type 1, 2, and 3 cultures have bypassed our modern technological developments by some hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years. Such civilizations would be capable of performing miraculous wonders which our modern day scientists would consider as “impossible”. It becomes clear for me, and for many others at least, that the amazing transformation day of December 12th, 2012 refers to the beginnings of a glorious transitional period where humans will evolve from their initial type zero status and become a type one statues. The evidence of this is becoming more and more undeniable as each day passes, and as this continues many people will increase their assaults on the affairs of others. This is because they don’t wish for us to make this shift, nor do they desire change.
The Illuminati’s ambitions detail, why the amazing 4th century Roman Library of Alexandria was burnt down to destroy all of the hidden truths. Callimachus, (310 BC – 240 BC) the Roman historian, had documented approximately some 500,000 hermetical scrolls which unfortunately; likewise, engulfed within flames. Additionally, this honestly explains, why the 4th century Western Edicts within 325 removed much of the knowledge from the ancient Biblical Tradition. These Edicts removed at least some 20 of the books, and another twenty to twenty five became revised immensely. As you can see, they have done a great job at deviating humans from nearly everything of importance. Just look at religions, medias, “education”, politics, economics, including intelligence agencies. The Illuminati has ensured that we are all conditioned to behave and think in particular ways from cradle to grave. Anybody who steps outside of convention is considered mad or bad. But just who’s convention are we following. When we are raised to see our world in the manner that we are conditioned to so perceive, who says that we must behave this way or that way. Well, who says that we must contemplate in the way we are so accustomed to? Answer: the people that wish to eliminate our identities and humanized evolution. These deeply sickening individuals have set the norms of our society. What we are manipulated to perceive as moral and immoral, what we are conditioned to perceive as possible and impossible has simplistically been established to keep us under their serpentine controls. In other words, the Order of the Rose (Illuminati) has been preventing us from becoming an advanced culture. Therefore once somebody establishes the norms of society, anybody who thinks differently is condemned and ridiculed. Moreover because we live in a world of uniformity, the people who are conformed (the prisoners in truth) attack those who are stepping outside of the little box (those who are escaping the prison). The average person is practically just a darn zombie. So therefore, is the bigger picture becoming any clearer? Again, through technology humanity could rule over this entire universe, including live-forevermore. Just think about all of the idle distraction created to manipulatively control us. Currency is an example, it only causes poverty through the economy, which is blinded slavery, and then ultimately our brilliant economy abstracts us from all essential wisdom. Just like the brain-dead medias. Hell, even if most individuals possessed knowledge, their poverty would prevent them from affording the proper technology to become likened to a ‘god’! How many things throughout our jailed present society keep us unconscious like zombies? Well that question can be summed up in four words, everything that’s against loving-kindness. But how many things are keeping us from that light and love, again that question can be summed up in four words: anything that’s against freedom. This includes the freedom of expression, and that works both ways. People need to start respecting the rights of others despite their differences without judgments. Prejudices need to perish and we need to develop a freedom of belief without having fear of condemnation. It’s not always about the deeds that we commit, unless it’s against the free will of others, but it is about the energy we emit if we wish to heal the world.
The destruction of the Alexandria Library insured humankind’s ignorance, as well as the creations of religions. During 455 AD, the Eastern Roman Empire began gradually losing its control amongst the population; however, the once controlling Eastern Roman Empire refused to give up its hopes for supremacy. It soon realized that through beliefs humankind would remain under control. Sorrowfully, the religious movement manifested and the collapsing empire gathered back power to control the masses. Beforehand, around 325 AD, Constantine the Great was the culprit that inspired such corrupted techniques, which he so abused just as Roman Authority. One thing to remember, “Never give away your power, and never ever trust the unrighteous hearts with knowledge.” Constantine the Great had great connection with multitudes of secret organizations, especially the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar are the adherents of the Davidic Families, and protectors of the Sacred Sepulchre. They enabled Constantine to inherit ancient wisdom, while the Davidic Family, perhaps influenced Constantine the Great.
The Edicts, including Constantine both together, minimized practically everything related unto truthfulness. Just look at original scriptural records, such as the Babylonian and Assyrian Enuma Elish, and the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, including all the Sumerian Tablets. Again, the Babylonian, Enuma Elish predates the Bible by some 1,000 years, although some of the others predate the Old Testament by thousands of years. The Edicts, plus Constantine derived a lot of information from these accounts because of their initiated statues in the mysteries. Therefore, they procreated a manipulators fantasy, and publicized it as truthfulness; when factiously, it was hardly authentic, and chronologically inaccurate. Practically every uninitiated individual took these mythological and symbolic fairytales as realistic, while the actual initiates knew the truer ordeals. In other words, the initiates would interpret the passages differently from the uninitiated. They understood the symbolic. Here is a great key point of understanding, the religions pervert knowledge, while inspiring humankind to give away there responsibility to some alleged alien deity. Rather than taking responsibility for the conditions of the world, people generally would rather do nothing, except look upwards, all in the name of religions.
From an occult perspective, each one of us is an aspect of God; this means that together we are all ‘God’. Look, it’s up to use to change the world, all of us! If we change ourselves for the better, we’ll change the world for the better, and vice versa. Therefore, humanity needs to begin thinking for themselves, and stop allowing some book to control their sense of possibility. Undeniably, humans have been conceding their right to possess infinite knowledge. Most of the time, this is sad, because of their riots dogmatisms. For instance, Christianity condemns astrology, including astronomy as the work of the Devil, when in fact; astrology is at religions deepest level. It teaches humankind the information held by the ancient civilizations. To appreciate astrological forecasting, one must first appreciate, an ancient truth, everything is energy. When you comprehend, that everything is energy, then through the teachings of astrology you will begin understanding that our Sun as well as the planets and stars affect the known magnetic energy fields of the earth. Likewise, whenever the earths magnetic field changes, man becomes subject to changing.
Again, the religions prevent us from obtaining esoteric gnosis, simply because the fourth dimensional extraterrestrials, which inspired these religions, wanted them too. Is it at all coincidental, that nearly at the same time the religions had emerged, the illuminati also had emerged? A person, whom spends their entire life studying nothing but the Holy Bible could never ever become like a god. This is because they will never develop the essential knowledge to liken themselves unto gods. To liken yourself unto gods, you must apprehend electromagnetism, chemistry, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and forms of other sciences. Anybody comprehending what I am detailing could potentially become as a god, but only by apply the usage of technology. Although your entire life is under the subordination of the Holy Bible, which insures that you will never become a god. Get the picture. The aliens have had us by the balls all along! This is simply because they do not want us to become like them. Hell, they had to find some way to protect their species. I can imagine all the things that are going through heads right now, “They might become like us, they might be able to have better technology than ours and rule over us. We must do something, stop him!” What an arrogant species these entities are. To choose to abuse such powerful technology in an attempt to prevent other life forms from realizing that they too can become like gods is the height of devilishness. However, you will appreciate, that this is coming to an ending.
Humankind sadly commits suicide everyday because of this foreign shadow force, and it can be seen throughout every walk of life. From the ingesting of nourishment, unto the poisonous pollutions, whenever you consume narcotic substances, or pharmaceutical medicines. Whenever you use soaps, shampoos, including conditioner, you’re destroying your soul. Even when you contemplate, or express negative emotions, you’re committing suicide. Of course, you are not going to perish instantaneously from doing these things, but slowly over time, the multiple poisons add up, then the clock stops ticking. This was the original beginnings of sinfulness. When an individual had committed anything which could even slightly destroy their souls they were considered sinners. However, why have the ruling hybridized elite bloodlines behind our slaughterhouse of a population decided to poison us in every way possible? They all do this because it keeps us unconscious like animals. Whenever we destroy ourselves by administering poison into ourselves, whether consciously, or unconsciously, it delinks us from our eternal selves. This way they ensure that, we never fully reconnect to our spirit, true self, or ‘god’. If we did, let us just say bye, bye New World Order.
Society in truth, a globalized fascist nation that cannot be seen by the average individual ensures that almost everything poisons, including indulges us? We are genetic slaves to materialistic, including fleshly pleasures. To make things worse, we are trapped in a civilization which only ensures that man remains genetically inferior. Behold man’s lewdness, plus copulations, it can be discovered in their narcotics and pornography. Now look at mankind’s violence and bigotry, when we become angry we desire to destroy and hurt others, or whatever it is that’s causing us problems. We are undomesticated animals, including uncontrollable beast. We reside in an unmoral culture were most people can’t even conquer their sexual appetites. Most men behold women as if they were sexual toys, sadly we have lost our divinity and became the least of what we should be. It’s important that you understand, that I am not judging anybody, I am just revealing the obvious.
Our blind man’s fascist nation is aesthetically designed in this manner because the ruling elite don’t want us to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. These Illuminati agents know the rules which govern creation, and if they can keep us ignorant we will all remain like animals. This is because conscious awareness is worked through repentance of animalistic tendencies. Whenever a conscious aware entity is hardhearted, animalistic, unhappy, or doesn’t pursue knowledge like an animal then they shall be no better than a beast and remain unconscious. We are confounded in the dream world because of these things. Therefore, do you honestly desire lucidity without any strings attached? Do you really desire to know the reasons why humans daily destroy themselves like animals whether they are consciously aware or unconscious? It is all because of a technologically advanced extraterrestrial species which wishes to ensure that our technological development never exceeds there’s. And here I am going to prove there existence as detailed below.
Sir Francis Crick, the double noble laureate of the Cambridge University, whom attended with James D. Watson, at the Cavendish laboratory proclaimed, “There’s an estimated 100 billion galaxies within our universe, and some 100 million planets perhaps suitable to sustain life as we know it.” Our sun is only one of apparently 100 billion in our galaxy; moreover, there is at least perhaps, some 70 sextillion stars in the universe. Approximately 300 billion of those stars reside in our Milky Way Galaxy. Interestingly, imagine the optimism whenever including the entirety of our universe within this vastly picture. So if we estimate now, that there’s some 100 billion galaxies in this our universe, and some 100 million planets that could sustain livelihood in our galaxy, then we should be able to get a hypothesis of how many possible alien species are in the universe. When we multiply 100 billion galaxies by 100 million planets, we should get an estimation of all the potential extraterrestrial species that could reside throughout this universe. Both these numbers when multiplied gives us 1018 possible alien species, which may reside in this universe! This is the funniest part, there is more than just this one universe as proven by M – Theory. There are billions of universes, just like dimensions. To think that we are the only life forms in the universe or the universes is ridiculous. In the end, science will prove me right, I promise.
The cosmologist, Carl Sagan, has also declared that there is more combinations of deoxyribonucleic acids then there are even atoms within the universe. At this optimism, if humankind found that extraterrestrials did not exist, it would be more surprising then if we discovered that they did exist. Mankind has only scanned an estimated 100 light years from our Planet Earth, and that’s only in minuscule details. Our galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years across, and galaxies are 10’s of millions of light years distant. So man has only scanned a infinitesimal proportion of our galaxy. Secondly, all modern scientists have looked at, unfortunately, is frequencies near the frequencies of hydrogen. Therefore, to dismiss extraterrestrial life would be completely ridiculous. Is man truly that arrogant to eschew alien existence, we would be utterly stupid to do so (3 Types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations)?
There are perhaps, massive amounts of extraterrestrial entities that are operating on other wavelengths beyond humankind’s perception. If humanity would examine the unperceivable frequencies beyond our natural perception, including our technological perception, then maybe they too would discover that an estimated 95 percent of all matter throughout the universe is classified as dark matter. Dark matter is unperceivable unto humankind. Only electromagnetic light which reflects luminescent matter is perceivable unto us. At the velocity of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would most accurately take approximately 4.3 years just to reach the nearest star in our solar system. It would also take an estimated 100 years just to cross this one galaxy at the velocity of light. Wouldn’t it be fascinatingly ridiculous to exclaim, that extraterrestrials do not exist at this level of optimism so far? But wait, it gets even better.
Throughout various ancient, including modern civilizations, can be discovered the genuflection to reptilian extraterrestrial humanoids. As an axiom these reptilian creatures were worshiped as gods. History is deposited with such entities, in fact, practically every continent has devoted orison unto these alleged gods. The Ubaid culture of approximately 5,000 to 4,000 years ago, in the area nowadays considered as Iraq, before Mesopotamia, the Ubaid worshiped their version of reptilian gods. A Ubaid mother goddess statue has been discovered which clearly depicts an extraterrestrial reptilian humanoid nurturing it’s baby. In Mexico, including Central America Quetzalcoatl or the “feathered serpent” was worshipped. It’s pronounced that during the “golden age” Quetzalcoatl reigned upon the Planet Earth. Quetzalcoatl is a primordial ‘god’ of procreation, a giver of life, and as the Lord of the East he is associated with the morning star. It’s proclaimed that Quetzalcoatl after the last world, when the fourth sun had been abolished, went to the land of the death and produced our current world. Mythology stipulates that all of humankind was created because he used his own blood to give life to bones. This could likewise be symbolical of the extraterrestrials which created humans through genetic manipulation. As you will see, the aliens mixed their genetics with bipedal ground dwelling apes to create us.
During Atlantis and Lemuria, multitudes of researchers have said, that humankind traversed upon Planet Earth with the gods. Even the Hopi Native Americans of Phoenix, Arizona, apparently worshipped Baholikonga the “plumbed serpent”. Baholikonga would it appears produce rainstorms, including lightening. The Hopi Native Americans believed that the rainstorms and lightening derived from Baholikonga striking his tail. The thunder was the reverberation of his blows; furthermore, the blessed rains were the deities way of answering their prays. Multitudinous Native American cultures are heavily submersed in serpentine decorations, including symbolism. It can be seen in the famous Serpent Mound of Adams County, Ohio. According to E.H. Roseboom, plus F.P. Wiesenburger, the most famous of all (effigy) mounds is the great Serpent Mound. It travels for some 1,330 ft in length along it’s coils while averaging 3 feet in height. If readers get opportunity to see a picture of Serpent Mound they shall notice an uncoiling snake immediately. Historically, the Serpent Mound has been attributed to the Adena Native Americans from 800 BC unto 100 AD.
In East India orison was attributed unto their version of extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids. Apparently, these extraterrestrial reptilian gods were considered as Nagast. It appears that they were shape shifters which had the ability to disguise themselves as man. They were obsessed with blood drinking and it’s claimed that they even ate humans when they could. The name Nagast interprets as, “those who do not walk but creep” and Indian legend considered them as a race of demons. Likewise, the religion of ancient Egyptians from the earliest of times intertwines closely into the worshipping of the sun and serpent. In fact, the serpent was beheld as the emblem of divinity and the serpent was connected with the worshipping of all other Egyptian gods. According to the legendary accounts, a person responsible for introducing the serpent worship to Egypt was Thoth. He founded the first colonies in his country after the flood, and it appears, taught the Egyptians to worship Kneph (The Encircled Serpent).
The Phoenicians worshipped Agathodemon, another serpent figure

Mainstream scientists comprehend that some approximate ninety-five percent of our deoxyribonucleic acids are analogous to chimpanzees and that humans derived from the homo-erectus, an advanced species of monkey. Now approximately one point five million years ago or so the homoerectus was actually discovered in Africa. Furthermore, approximately two thousands years ago the homo-erectus instantaneously transformed into the homo-sapien. Within an excess of one million years the homoerectus’ physical appearance remained the same but then instantaneously the transformation occurred, unfortunately although scientists callously refer to thus transformation as the missing link. And furthermore the biologist Thomas Huxley basically stipulated that such an evolution from the homoerectus into the homosapien would have taken an estimated tens of millions of years. Eerily approximately thirty five thousand years ago there was amazingly another evolution from the homosapien into thee homosapiensapien, that’s what we’re nowadays. Now thee homoerectus substantially a mammalian, transformed into the homosapien which contains reptilian genetics then afterwards the homosapien again transformed into the homosapiensapien which contains an excessive amount of reptilian genes... So is there truthfully missing links or missing brain cells? Within relativity Douglas Wallace, of the Emory University from Georgia explored genetical experiments on eight hundred differentiating women of diverse backgrounds and discovered corresponding to their deoxyribonucleic acids that they each had one ancestor which derived from Africa. And mutually Wesley Brown, educated at the University of Michigan began experimenting on twenty one differentiating females of various ethnics thus discovering that every woman similar to Douglas Wallace had one ancestor which derived from Africa an estimated one hundred and eighty thousands to three hundred thousands yrs. ago. Moreover, Rebecca Cann of the University of California within Berkley gathered one hundred forty seven women of various origins likewise finding that every woman had one common ancestor which originated from Africa some one hundred and fifty to three hundred thousand years ago as Douglas Wallace an Wesley Brown. It’s fascinatingly mindboggling especially when considering that homoerectus’ evolved into homosapiens approximately two hundred thousand years ago. Although furthermore bizarrely, the Sumerian Tablets in which shortly I’ll describe accentuate that the first egg responsible for the conception of the Lulu or Adam derived from a female ancestor some two hundred thousand years ago in Abzu (deep deposit) Africa… Nowadays our Abzu Africa corresponding to the Sumerian Tablets is Zimbabwe Africa.
Within eighteen fifty approximately two hundred and fifty miles from Baghdad, Iraq there were tens of thousands of clay tablets discovered by the Englishman Sir Austen Henry Layard. And adjacent of Mesopotamia more Sumerian Tablets were discovered. The Sumerian Tablets are approximately six thousand to thirteen thousand years old... These Sumerian Tablets depict the inter-breeding between the alleged gods and the daughters of humanity including the multitudinous test tube babies which were procreated on behalf of the alleged gods and the native humans. During the eighteen fifties, when these tablets were firstly found such weary phenomenon’s such as a test tube baby perhaps would have been considered an impossibility, although what’s occurring within our scientific laboratories nowadays? Precisely. Moreover the Sumerian Tablets depicted these alleged gods (gods meaning immortals) as humanoid extraterrestrials which appeared analogous of humans, although their fleshliness was that of serpents. Written within the book of Genesis Eve exclaims, the serpent beguiled me and I did eat? Also the Sumerian Tablets fantastically depicted our solar system accurately with the correct planetary ailments, positions, relative sizes and orbits which scientist have known for only some one hundred and fifty years. And the Sumerian Tablets describe the natures including colors of both Neptune and Uranus, yet scientist have just allegedly recently confirmed such natures including colors, although the Sumerian Tablets understood likewise thousands of years ago. Coincidence?
Zecharia Sitchin, a world famous author who can translate Sumerian, Arabic and Egyptian including other Middle Eastern languages. And Sitchin translated much of the Sumerian Tablets including published his discoveries. Zecharia Sitchin exclaimed that the Sumerian stories depict the alleged gods as the AN.UNNAK.KI which translates as, those who from heaven to earth came. Moreover the Sumerian Tablets also referred to these extraterrestrials as the DIN.GIR which translates as the righteous ones of the blazing rockets.
Furthermore Zecharia Sitchin points out that the Egyptians referred to these Anunnaki as the neteru which translates as, the watchers. Even the Book of Enoch refers to the alleged gods as the watchers. Also the Sumerian Tablets including the Acadian Stories describe the hieracharies of the Anunnaki plus their rivalries for supremacy of earth. Seemingly An or Anu is considered as the father of the Anunnaki plus according to Zecharia Sitchin An translates as heaven. Our Father whom art in heaven? Anu’s biologically the father of Enki which translates, Lord of the Earth. The commander of the Anunnaki is also Enki whose half brother is Enlil. Another extraterrestrial Ninkharsag is mentioned likewise known as Ninti which translates to lady life. Ninkharsag is known for expertises within medicine, she’s depicted within Mesopotamia pregnant with an instrument used to remove the umbilical cord. Multitudes of religious representations symbolically derive from Ninkharsag especially stories of Jesus’ Mother Mary including the many other symbolical stories of Isis, The Dragon Queen El, Diana, Queen Semeramis and Hecate which all had sons similar to Jesus. Now Enlil plus Ninkharsag the Sumerian Tablets reveal eventually began manipulating their genetics with native human genes thus procreating multiple defected creatures. Impossible, what’s occurring in governmental facilities all throughout and within earth such as Area fifty one and New Mexico? Exactly. Anyway Enlil and Ninkharsag finally discovered a satisfying genetical mix between their genes including the genes of native humanity. Moreover these test tube creatures procreated were considered as the Lulu which truthfully implies unto domesticated animals... The Sumerian Lu translates as worker or servant according to Zecharia Sitchin.
Now massive amounts of the Biblical Traditions have unfortunately been obscured, cause of the Hebrew priestly classes which interconnect with Illuminati magicians. Now after Hebrew priestly classes – thee Levites were taken from Babylon within five hundred eighty six alleged BC, the priestly class publicized the book of Genesis including Exodus which derived from the Sumerian Tablets. And likewise the accounts of Moses being abandoned after conception plus drifting upon a river derive from a historical Sumerian story that depicts King Sargon mutually abandoned by a royal family. Now King Sargon likewise was positioned in a river – thus floated within a basket then discovered and adopted by another royal family. Multitudes of accounts written within Holy Bibles evolve from immensely older Sumerian Tablets... even the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was recorded, although not by Gabriel but rather fallen angels: extraterrestrials. According to the Sumerian Tablets Lot’s helpmate wasn’t converted into pillars of salt by Gabriel, Lot’s helpmate was vaporized by nuclear technology. And furthermore there’s still high radiation levels measured closefisted of the Black Sea coast were such events were exclaimed to materialize. Nevertheless Christianity derives from Illuminati magicians who labored repugnantly through compartmentalization overthrowing populations with boisterous methodologies. Now Constantine including the Nicene Creed which consisted of approximately three hundred and eighteen arch bishops imposed perishing sentences unto heretics whoso wouldn’t accept their religion during four hundred twenty five AD. Counsels desired to reprove any percepts which corresponded unto poetical spirituality so consciousness couldn’t whatsoever develop unto the fullest. For example, once you impute manipulations upon any generation the following becomes indoctrinated because parents begin to impose concepts upon their children. Therefore for instances, if marriages are interpreted by homosapiensapiens through wedding band including certificates, when marriage is truly through the action of copulation then the indoctrinated theorize in fleshly including manly interpretations rather than spiritual truths. Such lightedness misguides majorities unto manly interpretations, and marvel not Satan approaches as an angel of light. Hence whosever’s ideation revolves upon such concepts will never develop complete divine energies throughout the cosmos because they transgress lovingkindness. Fundamentally humans revised interpretations of the Torah observation including angelic consciousnesses. And Christianities ineffably considered revised paganism mystical occult philosophies, whereas members were often depicted as master wizards. And the biblical traditions derive from historical Sumerian accounts and beyond. Furthermore there’s approximately thirty six thousand one hundred ninety one translation errors inscribed within King James’s version Holy Bible. Now technically Elohim including Adonia within Hebrew is plural for gods an including Lords rather than the single God or Lord... Contrariwise translation miscalculations occur throughout Genesis chapter six passages one plus two – they’re symbolical representations depicting extraterrestrial interbreeding with humanity. “And it began to bypass, whence humanity began to multiply upon the face of thee earth and daughters were conceived unto humans, that the Elohim perceived the daughters of humanity were beautiful; therefore the gods took unto them human women as wives of all which were choosing producing thee hybrids”. Moreover the Sumerian Tablets mutually confirm the interbreeding between the Anunnaki including humanity producing the hybrid nefilim bloodstream. And Zecharia Sitchin pronounces that the translation written within Genesis, “From the dust of the ground” derives from the old Hebrew tit which derives from the Sumerian TI.IT meaning that which is with life. Therefore Adam wasn’t manifest from the dust of the ground, but from that which is with thee life – living cells. Moreover Eve, interpreted she who has life wasn’t created from Adam’s rib perhaps because thee Sumerian TI can translate as both life including rib. Therefore it’s quite possible that Eve wasn’t materialized from Adam’s rib, yet from Adam’s life – living cells.
Elaborating upon the informational obscurantism of extraterrestrials during the nineteen thirties Australian including American servicemen were delivering equipment unto their troops residing within New Guinea, whereas the New Guineans contemplated the servicemen as Gods because of their technological advancements. Therefore bemusingly the New Guineans based the components of their religion from this experience. Imagine what would have occurred if an Extraterrestrial from another planet decided to descend from space our biblical heaven unto earth within a stone age? There have been pyramids depicted at nineteen point five degrees upon Mars within the crater of Cydonia. And amazingly at nineteen point five degrees upon earth the Great Pyramid of Gaza’s positioned weighing approximately six million tons. Now Gaza’s largest stone structures weigh approximately two hundred tons. In Titicaca Bolivia within Peru there’s pyramids reaching some twelve thousand five hundred feet, furthermore the largest stone structures weigh an estimated four hundred tons. This pyramid was constructed within a region where agriculture couldn’t become cultivated nor sustain liveliness because of the scorching temperatures, so how could they’ve nurtured the laborers?
Again when homosapiensapiens were procreated they were positioned adjacent of Gold, the egg responsible for producing the first Lulu or Adam derived from a female descending within Abzu Africa nowadays Zimbabwe. The Sumerian AB.ZU seemingly translates as deep deposit. Anthropological researching including the Anglo American Cooperation has proclaimed that approximately sixty thousand, even perhaps one hundred thousand years ago excavations of gold occurred within Zimbabwe Africa. Moreover according to the Holy Scriptures humanity was positioned likewise closefisted of gold. Genesis 2:8, “And the Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden and there they put man whom they had formed.” Which correlates with Genesis 2:10 – 12, “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pi’-son, that is it which compasseth the whole land of Hav’-i-lah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
Moreover these extraterrestrials are truly remarkably analogous to our sophisticated matrix programming furthermore desiring control; its valuable recalling thus, the matrix brain is Lucifer. An these extraterrestrials disguise themselves energetically as homosapiensapiens vibrationally to passionately obscure whomsoever possible into displaying ignorance’s. Yet why, because the Anunnaki have greater vibrational freedom, therefore they’re controlling humans from a parallel world and to retain such freedom including rulership over men they must debase our morphogenic field vibrationally. Intriguingly this information has already been explained that’s why everything around us materializes anger, depression, stressfulness, anxiety, fearfulness, guiltiness, resentfulness, and jealousies including insecurities. Fundamentally it further describes the sicknesses, poverties, diseases, economies plus homelessness including television programmings, major medias likewise music industries. Everything’s of degrading vibrations, turn the TV’s on and there’s violence and perverseness, sorrowfulness plus hardheartedness. Contrariwise, music industries are abashed with acumens as television.
Moreover unsurprisingly thee Anunnaki’s habitualistic characteristics are quite disgustingly analogous to predators... preying upon the weak docile individuals. Similar to violas-raptors – fore-surely accentuating there natures including reptilian brains. And life’s a psychological warfare where demonic consciousness including preferably the AN.UNNAK.KI competitively labor to procreate humans to display ignorance’s. Frankly fleshly indulgences like narcotic substances including vainly intercourses, furthermore anything else pleasurable unto our five senses. An unfortunately if the victimized person is too psychologically weak eventually they’ll become brainwashed, gradually becoming worse and worse till hopefulness is entirely rebuked. For example, because the antimony of our biological vehicles are analogous to computers, narcotics are viruses interestingly specifically designed to target our genetics the informational transmitter receivers. For instance alcoholic beverages and Native Americans aren’t compatible because Native Americans are missing certain firewalls (enzymes within their bloodstream) to decompose alcoholic poisons. Therefore the toxicity inhabits their towers (brains) thus frying their connection unto the motherboard via. consciousness. Whenever somebody’s disconnected as elaborated they become susceptible to temptation, influence including brainwashing. Therefore the daemonic consciousnesses, preferably the Anunnaki begin insinuating suggestions within thee victim’s mentality. And it’s vital realizing that particular individuals can handle peculiar viruses unlike others. For instance, certain people may not become disconnect when drinking alcohol but others might. As explained it’s a psychological warfare!
The above depicted extraterrestrials are thee watchers of Enoch, thee daemonical entities of folklore, including prisonwarders and the gatekeepers. Now an Egyptian word depicting the Anunnaki is neteru, which translates as watchers. And whensoever somebody escapes the majority prevailing within minorities, outside of thus predominating conformity throughout the society the neteru begin genuinely oppressing whoever necessary. They’ll forcefully procreate whosoever to lose economic positions and do whatsoever possible to manifest various diversities within the livelihood of mavericks. Poetically if you’re insubordinate unto this matrix system, displaying multidimensional uniqueness you’ll become victimized by the cogs. Truthfully prisonwarders are substantially everywhere especially within major positions of power such as teachers, politics, bankers, generals, doctors, vicars including supervisors thus giving the watchers dominating control over humanity. Remember our biological vehicles (our souls) are software programs... insulting our poetical identification. Again the majority of the watchers deliver homosapiensapiens preferably the unconscious software programs into darkness conspirietically. Unfortunately superbly degrading our species morphogenic field including imprisoning our mentalities. Quite vociferous, but demonical consciousness preferably the depicted extraterrestrials are EVERYWHERE... manipulating humanity especially the undeveloped angelic consciousness. And the matrix system imputes literal demonic entities within our realities thus disguised as mankind. Because everything’s illusionistic actual demonic consciousnesses can deceive humans by disguising themselves as humans. Basically demonic entities appear as humans, although their consciousnesses are decaying corps and unrighteous with inwardly. Their goal is to debase individuals according to our weaknesses including vulnerabilities of our genetics. It’s a test, either you will or you won’t perform hereditary prejudices.
Unrighteously the watchers compensate humanities actions; regardless mankind’s reality has been immensely illusionistic – a calculated conspiracy designed to destroy practically every unconscious individual. For example, a watcher influences an individual to display ignorance then maybe afterwards your family members an wife are notified of your inner actions. Perhaps you glanced at another woman sexually, then perhaps your wife’s begins kissing another. Therefore because the watchers disguise themselves as homosapien-sapiens vibrationally making their manipulation excessively easy individuals whomsoever you associate with believing within their loyalty might beguile you.

Works Cited










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